The Seagull Youth Theatre runs on a Wednesday evening with three different age groups, 5-8yrs, 9-11yrs and 12+. The first two sessions are run by Louise Harrison who is ably assisted by Grace Kent, while Imogen Osborn takes the oldest group assisted by Edwin Mascorn. Occasionally we hire in guest tutors to expand the teaching offered and to give the children different experiences
Classes include;
Performing skills with exercise and games.
Script and Improvisation work.
Technical- Lighting, Sound, Stage management.
Costumes and Prop Making.
These classes are great for giving your child a fantastic all round experience in all disciplines of performing whilst helping them to develop and grow in self confidence.
All Sessions run on a Wednesday Evening
All groups will perform small showcases to parents and also a production in our theatre once a year.
To register for this fulfilling programme either
Phone us on 01502 589726
Email Us on